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Chaplain Bob Walker
Rev 19:13 And he (Jesus) [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
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Keywords: Chaplain Bob , Jail, Chaplain , Bob , Jail , dispensational , ministry , Tape , Jail ministry , KJV , Holy bible , ministries , ministry's , Tapes , tracts , south florida , Fl , Fla , Florida , Chaplain , Bob , Chaplain bob , WPB , West Palm Beach , W.P.B. , Youth , Lake worth , youth ministry , Bible , gun control , Jesus , Christ , Salvation , savior , saviour , scofield , reference , bible , rapture , pretrib , rapture , pre , trib , rapture , tribulation , scofield , fraud , dispensation , tv , post , millennial, pre , postmillennial

Welcome to Chaplain Bob's Youth and Jail Ministry

Welcome To the Jail and youth ministry Page.

The "ABOUT PAGE" Button on top has the Table of Contents page to navigate this site.

This is the Site for the Jail ministry of
Chaplain Bob.

Chaplain Bob was ordained into the
chaplaincy as the burden to reach out
to the lost was put upon him.

This ministry is to help promote evangelism of
the lost and to assist the new converts to
grow in faith and knowledge in the Lord
Jesus Christ.

We provide free tapes and tracts and provide
bibles and study materials free of charge.

These tapes and tracts have gone to
Europe, Australia and into Jails.

I wish to thank the Fellowship Tract League
for the invaluable assistance in donating
the time for making wonderful tracts to
distribute to a lost and dying world.

Chaplain Bob's Resume and biography is on the above custom page...

Chaplain Bob Jail and Youth Ministry

Chaplain Bob is excited to be able to offer
Tapes and tracts and concise bible topics
tracts to interested parties in the West Palm Beach, FLorida area.

I have materials defending the Textus
Receptus as the Holy Bible, creation vs
evolution. The God of Israel as opposed
to the god's of the new age and the occult.
I like to defend the basic doctrines as
laid out in the apostles and Nicene creeds.

I love to reach out to those that the church
has overlooked and neglected, like the goth community. I have a decent rapport with the youth and they do not like hypocrisy in church.

For the Best in Eternal Health read
the Holy Bible

Luk 11:28 But he (Jesus) said, Yea rather,
blessed [are] they that hear the word of God,
and keep it.

are in need of materials for your Jail ministry?

I have some materials available as well
as resources that will fit in well with
a jail ministry or a travelers center
and truck drivers.

Chaplain Bob Walker

Rev 19:13 And he (Jesus) [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Keywords: Chaplain Bob , Jail, Chaplain , Bob , Jail , dispensational , ministry , Tape , Jail ministry , KJV , Holy bible , ministries , ministry's , Tapes , tracts , south florida , Fl , Fla , Florida , Chaplain , Bob , Chaplain bob , WPB , West Palm Beach , W.P.B. , Youth , Lake worth , youth ministry , Bible , gun control , Jesus , Christ , Salvation , savior , saviour , scofield , reference , bible , rapture , pretrib , rapture , pre , trib , rapture , tribulation , scofield , fraud , dispensation , tv , post , millennial, pre , postmillennial